Payday 2 how to get coins
Payday 2 how to get coins

payday 2 how to get coins

Having said all that, I understand that people will level rapidly via crime sprees for various reasons which I respect. Cocoppa Play Hackcheats To Get Free Coins For Android Ios By Use. If you decide to level via epic crime sprees (those where the host rank is in the thousands or higher) especially, all sense of natural game progression will be ruinedbecause you will earn all the currency (cash, offshore money, and continental coins) you will ever need upfront. The Best And Fast Way To Get Continental Coins In Payday 2. This effect becomes more and more severe as the rank and difficulty of the spree increases (mobs will have ridiculously high health, gage boosts will buff players, and modifiers will count against players). If you are a new player, you are not learning the actual versions of those heists and consequently, your view of the game will be warped. But above all, have fun!Ĭrime sprees by their very nature, are modified versions of the heists you encounter. Experiment with builds, blaze your own trail, make mistakes along the way, and learn from them. That is, doing heists at whatever difficulty you or your team are comfortable running and gradually working your way up. However, if you are a NEW player and wish to properly learn the game, I highly recommend leveling “the old-fashioned way”. This guide will prove useful to players and hosts alike.

Payday 2 how to get coins